
Administrative management software
for schools
and adults training organizations

  • test The lightness of administrative tasks:
    • Check Manage your registrations
    • Check Manage your invoices and direct debits
    • Check Automatically generate your documents according to your models
  • CHeck A complete online application!
    • test Reachable from everwhere
    • test Non invasive

test Request a demo

Illustration of a man holding a briefcase presenting a document

Scolana in a few words

Scolana is a tool aimed at anyone wishing to delegate administrative tasks (registration, invoicing, monitoring, and communication) for their school or training center.

  • An easy to use application!
  • A bilingual French/English interface that can easily be translated into another language.
  • A fully online LMS “Learning Management System” management application. All of your data is accessible from any workstation connected to the Internet and requires no installation.

Updates, backups, restorations, availability, reliability... Scolana is an ingenious and efficient system that guarantees the security and confidentiality of your information.

Scolana is not just a turnkey application, we listen to you and can easily adapt our software to your needs!

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Person seating on a blown up smartphone working on their laptop next to a shield

Data privacy

We are a French-Irish team, dedicated to simplifying the management of your establishment.

We do not sell, share or distribute personal data in any form.

Your school/training organization is the sole recipient of your data; at Scolana we process them responsibly, ethically and respectfully.

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They trust us

  • Logo Living School

    Coralie Dalton, entrepreneur and developer, created for us an absolutely fabulous online registration management software. The registration process can be time-consuming and this solution allows us to devote our energy to less administrative projects and more related to our core business.Coralie Dalton, entrepreneur and developer, created for us an absolutely fabulous online registration management software. The registration process can be time-consuming and this solution allows us to devote our energy to less administrative projects and more related to our core business.

    I think that was precisely Coralie's goal, who wanted to use this software to "free up the creativity of schools" and allow them to spend more time on the truly educational aspects.

    The multilingual software is designed for potential parents to enter their own information which is fed into an interactive database. This database allows for extensive searches and to track the status of children’s registrations and their academic progress.

  • Logo CIPEC

    Scolana makes managing our school a lot easier. From assigning children to classes, sharing information with parents, to tracking billing and payments, Scolana is easy to use and very effective.

    Bertrand Bigay,
    CIPEC (Centre International pour l’Education et la Culture)

  • Logo École parisienne de Gestalt

    We entrusted Softify with the design of a new customer, administration and billing database for our school. This tool, which is fundamental for us, was remarkably well done. The migration from our old software to the new one was done without any difficulties for us users, with the complete recovery of data over 19 years of history! We now have the pleasure of working daily with a high-performance software, which is smooth and functional to use.

    We have noticed a significant saving in time in the administrative and financial management of internships, in the consultation/updating of client files and in the liaison with our accounting firm.

    We also benefit from the possibility of constantly adapting this software to our evolving needs thanks to Coralie's listening, strength of proposal and responsiveness. And always with a smile.

    École Parisienne de Gestalt,
    EPG (École Parisienne de Gestalt)

  • Institut Limousin de Formation et Gestalt Thérapie

    We have been using Scolana successfully for almost 10 years. It has allowed us to save a lot of time in managing our training courses. Scolana's team listens to us for all the small modifications and improvements needed as we develop. Scolana manages the entire process, from trainee registration, contracts, invoices, migration to Sage, educational assessment, trainee certificates... we still have ideas for development to propose to Scolana's team, which is very attentive to our needs.

    Isabelle SOULAT,
    Principal for IFLG (Institut Limousin de Formation et Gestalt Thérapie)

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